Saturday, April 27, 2013

Many moons ago I had decided to try and hop on the blog train.  Thinking it was a great way to get ideas and thoughts out to the world, and being a highly opinionated person, I thought "Hey, why not?!" Multiple factors jumped to my attention after.  In creating a blog, you really should have someone edit your posts.  You should also engage your followers by asking them questions.  I just wanted a place to put my thoughts! I didn't realize there were so many facets to having a "good" blog.  Well, as I so often do, I let perfection be the enemy of good.  I didn't write anything else.  Too intimidated. Scared it would turn out poorly.  Here I am about a year later, and I've determined that other than my journal and letters to a friend overseas (aka my human journal), I still had too many ideas floating around and nowhere to put them that would satisfy my psyche.  So here goes round two.  If not perfect or good, than merely my place to just be myself.  Who could ask for anything more?