Sunday, October 6, 2013

Computers vs The Human Brain and The Mind

There has been an ongoing debate about if or when a manmade computer will outsmart a human being.  This, Just So You Know, will never happen. 
Why not?  Well, what are the differences between a computer and a human?  There are plenty to choose from, however, I'm thinking particularly of computation and processing of data.  Can computers process and analyze data faster than a human being? Sure.  Can they be inspired? Absolutely not.  Here is why:
First, computers don't have pineal glands.  They don't have a connection to the Source, or Infinite intelligence.  Inspiration and ideas: where do they come from?  I believe ideas and inspiration are the product of combining previously held knowledge and beliefs with recently learned information. Computers are great for computing objective data, however they don't have the "software" of a human. What do I mean by “human software”? Let’s define “human software” as the subject worldview, perception, values, beliefs, and culture with which an individual filters new information.  Because of this, there will be ideas humans come up with a computer never can.
What about inspiration?  Where does that come from? I believe inspiration is divine.  Each persons’ life experiences gives them the “software” with which they filter new ideas, and when an individual allows it, the universe delivers a knowledge bomb (through the pineal gland I suspect).  The knowledge bomb is then filtered through the human software and BAM: Inspired idea!!!
Think about all the inspired ideas regarding technological innovation, the arts, medicine, and business.  Computers give us the ability to analyze and compute data at a faster rate than humans, absolutely.  However, the end to which they are computing data for was determined by an individual with an idea.

No pineal gland.  No autonomy to “allow”.  Computers may be faster, but humans are inspired.

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